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What is NRP?

Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is designed for healthcare professionals involved in hospital-based neonatal resuscitation, including: physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, certified nurse midwives, and respiratory care practitioners.  Licensed midwives and EMS personnel are welcome to attend and apply relevant skills during simulation.

The Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Course is an education program of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Heart Association (AHA) that teaches an evidence-based approach to newborn care.  The course introduces the concepts and basic skills of neonatal resuscitation by utilizing a blended learning approach that includes: online testing, online case-based simulations, as well as hands-on case-based simulation/debriefing that focus on leadership, communication, and teamwork skills.

NRP Course Format:

The Neonatal Resuscitation Program - NRP class is done in two parts

  • 1. Please go to the NRP online course and complete the online portion by clicking this link.


  • 2. Once the online portion is completed register for our class.

  • 3. Print and bring your certificate to our facility on the date you registered for. We will complete part two for you in the NRP learning platform you can only register for the course through our website.



It is recommended that you use the 8th edition textbook for the course.

You will receive your NRP certification at the completion of your skills portion.


The skills videos on this page provide step-by-step instructions on topics like CPAP in the delivery room, performing and assisting with endotracheal intubation, epinephrine and volume expanders, plus much more. These videos are great refreshers for everyone and can serve as a standardized instructor skill demonstration during an instructor-led event. Check them out and share them with your colleagues.

Become a certified Live saver. Learn CPR!

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